Feb 17, 2012

SSPP: The Inspiration

During the summer of 2008 I was an intern at Generator Strategy Advertising and Design. At the time I was an Illustration student at Sheridan, so my primary responsibilities were illustrating and story-boarding. I didn't necessarily understand how I would fit in with the staff of designers, editors, account managers and administration. To my surprise I learned that every employee was expected to keep time sheets of their daily activities. I found this idea fascinating because I've always been interested in personal documentation; however, my previous experience included journaling, blogging and keeping a sketchbook.

Skip ahead three years later, and I have graduated from Sheridan's Illustration program and have moved out west to Vancouver Island, British Columbia to study Graphic Design at Vancouver Island University. Being a recent graduate and new student simultaneously made me feel very motivated to work. I began undertaking small personal projects to stimulate my creativity. At one point I remember being very self-aware of my current position in the grand scheme of my life and realized that I was stuck in an academic-like limbo for another two years. It was an unsettling feeling, so I thought I would brainstorm ways to make my time feel less petty and more significant. I began doing things like journaling, blogging and keeping a photo-journal that I dedicated myself to, but I found that my dedication was slowly dissipating. I was trying really hard to find something to dedicate myself to over a long period of time that would capture my interest. To satisfy my ego I needed to challenge myself in a way I have never done before.

I decided if I was going to make really good work and stand out from the crowd, then I needed to understand how to maximize my efforts. This realization led me to create a system of time tracking that would be implemented within my life for an entire year. The time sheets I once used as an intern would be the basis of the longest and most in- depth research that I have ever attempted.

From September 10, 2010 to September 9, 2011 I documented every activity I did during the year using a pictographic calendar. The study is named the Statistical Self-Portrait Project (SSPP) and its purpose is to provide statistical analysis of how I spent my time during the year of documentation. By doing this I will be able to understand my strengths and weaknesses, and how to apply myself in all aspects of my life to reach the highest possible standard of living.


  1. This project would drive me crazy, Greg! You've really persevered with this concept and I'll be really interested to see how it evolves. I also used to keep sketchbooks like yours, though less so since I became primarily a digital/tablet artist. Some of your sketches are really amazing and so I hope this creativity and talent translates in the final product. Good work!

  2. Oh Gregory,

    How you always beat to your own drum :) I still have no idea what you're going with this project, but it's going to be one of a kind. I hoped to see some visuals... but with your description outlined with notebooks and sketches and illustrations, I'm still looking forward to it :) Wish I could be more help!

    - Jesslyn
